Wednesday 13 March 2013

Vatican reveals the secret composition of the ‘papal’ Smoke

Cartridges of potassium perchlorate, anthracene and sulphur had been added to the ballots leading to a far more definitive black smoke Photo: Reuters
If white smoke emanates from the special chimney placed atop the Sistine Chapel, it means that a new pontiff has been chosen. If the smoke is black, it means the cardinals have been unable to reach a consensus.
Previous conclaves were famed for the inconclusiveness of their smoke signals, leading to considerable consternation amongst the pilgrims gathering outside in St Peter’s Square. White smoke was too easily confused with the black smoke of indecision, traditionally made by adding wet straw to the burning ballots.
Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, said cartridges of potassium perchlorate, anthracene and sulphur had been added to the ballots on Tuesday and Wednesday, leading to a far more definitive black smoke.
When a new pope is elected, the white smoke will contain potassium chlorate, lactose and chloroform resin.
The smoke ritual dates back more than a century, and the Vatican has no plans to change it, as uncertainty is crucial to the process.
“A little suspense is good for all of us,” said Rev Lombardi. “Don’t expect Swiss-watch precision.”
Conclaves were not always this secretive. They used to be witnessed by hundreds of people and candidates could even be vetoed by certain figures of European nobility.
Today’s cardinal-electors, however, are not permitted any contact to the outside world, and are stripped of their laptops and mobile phones.
“Thank God there’s still all the good old-fashioned things, like burning the ballots and the chimney going up,” said Greg Burke, a communications adviser to the Vatican.
“What’s older than a smoke signal? It’s great that that’s there and it’s not one of these electronic vote things that a red or green light goes off.”
“Why is a conclave so exciting?” he added. “Because we don’t know what’s going on there and we’re not going to know until the smoke comes out.”
The 2005 conclave trialled a new system of smoke production, following complaints from the previous conclave in 1978.

A second stove was added to the chimney to add colouring via a flue to the smoke produced by the burned ballots.
Sadly, the complex system hardly made a difference.
The Rev Thomas Reese, a Jesuit expert on the Vatican, complained in the days before this conclave that the uncertainty over their colour took tradition too far.
“This is not mystery,” he said. “This is incompetence.”

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